
Photo: Doghouse Camera Bag

Voici un nouveau « support » intelligent pour les reflex numériques: le «doghouse camera bag».
Il n
e s’agit pas d’un trépied, mais d’un sac faisant office de trépied d’appoint et également de sac de protection imperméable. Compact, il a la taille d’une balle de tennis !
Vous pouvez le remplir de riz, gravier, sable ou tout autre matériau afin d’ajuster sa stabilité ! 24,99£ soit 37€
+ d'infos: thedoghouse.co.uk

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At 5/3/07 18:48, Anonymous Anonyme said...


I inserted C-reel in _a blog list_ preferred blogs directory that i published in my cool hunting blog (http://www.elmanco.com).
I made a selection of blogs for creative people looking for inspirations about graphic and industrial design, fashion, technology, advertising and new trends.

A .PDF version of the list is available for free here: http://www.box.net/public/vuulal0bhz

You can see the directory page at this link: http://club.giovani.it/elmanco/item/a-blog-list-100234

I hope _a blog list_ can be useful for you, if it so share it with friends and collegues or on your blog!



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